Intrepid Financial Services

Transforming Your Investing Experience from Stress, Struggle and Scarcity to Freedom, Fulfillment and Love for You and Your Loved Ones.

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Beware The Seductive and Destructive Illusion of Traditional Investing

Since day one, the financial industry has built a harmful and all-consuming world of investing based on the myth that so-called gurus can predict the future – predicting how the market, stocks, commodities, asset classes, mutual funds, or any other type of investment will perform in the future.

The result is you can get stuck in a destructive cycle of relying on economic and political predictions about the future to help you stock pick, market time, and track-record invest. This behavior is driven by the desperate hope of increasing your returns while reducing your risk, but, tragically, it too frequently has the exact opposite effect – often without your knowledge or awareness.

This experience can leave you in a state of constant fear, stress, and anxiety around your investments and money and the feeling of “never having enough.” And, whether you realize it or not, this can have a negative impact on your entire life.

The Scientific, Nobel-Prize Winning World of Investing Will Set You Free

We believe the truth will set you free from the destructive behavior of traditional investing. We empower investors to discover for themselves the difference between the stressful, harmful and pervasive world of speculating and gambling with your money based on economic and political predictions versus the scientific world of investing based on Nobel Prize-winning academics and research.

Begin With the End In Mind: Your True Purpose for Money

Have you ever noticed that when you don’t have a purpose for your money, you spend your entire life chasing it and feel like you never have enough? But when you have a purpose for your money, you no longer feel the desperate need to chase it?
It all starts with something much more fundamental and profound than which world of investing you choose. It starts with creating or clarifying your true purpose for money greater than money itself. Then you can powerfully choose which world of investing aligns with your true purpose and fulfilling on what is most important to you in your life.

Where the Magic Happens: Experiencing Your American Dream

When you understand how markets really work; how and why you invest the way you do; become profoundly connected with your true purpose for money; and align your investing philosophy with your true purpose, this is where the magic starts to happen.
You no longer have to try to predict the future and get sucked into the costly pitfalls of traditional investing methods. You no longer have to worry about things that are not in your control. Instead you are free to live your life and fulfill on your American Dream.

The Power of Coaching: Understanding How Your Brain Really Works

The truth is bad behavior can destroy a prudent portfolio. Even when you choose and apply the scientific world of investing based on Nobel Prize-winning academics and science, we have discovered that your own brain is your worst enemy. Your instincts, emotions and perceptions can hijack your best investing intentions – and one mistake can destroy a lifetime of savings. We empower investors to understand the science of how your brain really works and how coaching aligns your behavior, your investing philosophy and your true purpose for money.

Creating Freedom, Power and Purpose Through Community

Most investors experience investing as a lonely, isolated burden based solely on transactions -endlessly buying this and selling that through your financial advisor, broker-dealer and/or as a do-it-yourselfer via online trading. As a result, most investors don’t talk about their investments and money, and what you can’t talk about constrains you and robs you of power and freedom. This can lead to a life of “quiet desperation” around your money. Intrepid Financial Services is part of a global community revolutionizing the investing experience. Through community, we come together to transform our relationship with money and investing from constrained, lonely and desperate to powerful, free and fulfilled.

You Can Create the Ideals of the American Dream as a Global Phenomenon

We believe the American Dream is alive and well – despite what the naysayers may say. We believe the American Dream represents the idea that anyone, from any place, from any background can create their own destiny – regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, socio-economic status or political affiliation.

We believe in the free market system, and that through hard work and helping others, you can create value, wealth and prosperity in the world. We believe you can take those lessons and skills you have learned in life and pass them on to others so they too may create value, wealth and prosperity in the world.

We believe in the ideals of the American Dream as codified in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We believe “all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. That among those are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

We believe in the virtuous cycle of capitalism: capitalism creates prosperity and wealth; wealth empowers democracy; democracy secures and protects men’s freedoms; and a free and happy society drives greater capitalism and wealth creation.

The scientific world of investing gives you access to creating the ideals of the American Dream as a global phenomenon. With our investing philosophy, you invest in 81 countries, providing the fuel for the engine of capitalism globally. Ultimately, you can have the great privilege and fulfillment of expanding the virtuous cycle of capitalism all over the world.

Your First Step Towards Achieving Freedom, Fulfillment and Love

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